giovedì 11 ottobre 2007


Prima PDS
Poi DS
Ora PD......
Domani SD?no, già fatto... e allora PS.. no neanche, non va bene.. Post scriptum.
Allora SP. Strada Provinciale.. no non va bene neanche questo.
DP?... DP com'è?... Democrazia Partitica. Sì questo è geniale. "Il nuovo soggetto politico democratico, nell'interesse dei cittadini. Evviva il DP, Democrazia Partitica".

tutti quelli che vogliono candidarsi per i Nuovo soggetto politico democratico partitico*

* Il 14 Dicembre 2010 alle Primarie del DP vota Giulio Andreotti come segretario nazionale e Silvio Berlusconi come segretario Regionale del Lazio, Umberto Bossi circoscrizione Romana, Marcello Dell'Utri Europa.

Desmond has his barrow in the market place...Molly is the singer in a band...Desmond says to Molly "Girl, I like your face"And Molly says this as she takes him by the hand...Ob-la-di ob-la-da life goes on brahhh...Lala how the life goes on...Ob-la-di Ob-la-da life goes on brahhh...Lala how the life goes on.Desmond takes a trolley to the jewelry store...Buys a twenty carat golden ring... (Golden ring)Takes it back to Molly waiting at the door...And as he gives it to her she begins to sing... (Sing)Ob-la-di ob-la-da life goes on brahhh...Lala how the life goes on...Ob-la-di Ob-la-da life goes on brahhh...Lala how the life goes on.In a couple of years they have built a home sweet home,With a couple of kids running in the yard,Of Desmond and Molly Jones... (Ha ha ha ha ha)Happy ever after in the market place...Desmond lets the children lend a hand...Molly stays at home and does her pretty face...And in the evening she still sings it with the band...Ob-la-di ob-la-da life goes on brahhh...Lala how the life goes on...Ob-la-di Ob-la-da life goes on brahhh...Lala how the life goes on.In a couple of years they have built a home sweet home,With a couple of kids running in the yard,Of Desmond and Molly Jones... (Ha ha ha ha ha)Happy ever after in the market place...Molly lets the children lend a hand...Desmond stays at home and does his pretty face...And in the evening she's a singer with the band...(Yeah), Ob-la-di ob-la-da life goes on brahhh...Lala how the life goes on...(Yeah), Ob-la-di Ob-la-da life goes on brahhh...Lala how the life goes on.And if you want some fun...take Ob-la-di-bla-da (Thank you)

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