giovedì 25 ottobre 2007

ITALY SOS INTERNET FREEDOM! - firmate con un commento

Questo è il testo che con un gruppo di persone abbiamo costruito e spediremo alla Commissione Europea per rendere loro note le condizioni sociali e di democrazia del nostro Paese. Se siete d'accordo sottoscrivetelo inserendo nome e cognome nel commento. Grazie.

Dear Sir,Madame,
I hope to be one of the million of Italian people who get shamed for what is happening in our country. What is happening is unbelievable. Riccardo Franco Levi, Prodi's right hand man, undersecretary to the President of the Council, has written the text to put a stopper in the mouth of the Internet. The draft law was approved by the Council of Ministers on 12 October. No Minister dissociated them selves from it. On gagging information, very quietly, these are all in agreement. The Levi-Prodi law lays out that anyone with a blog or a website has to register it with the ROC, a register of the Communications Authority, produce certificates, pay a tax, even if they provide information without any intention to make money.

This is the time for an European "strong and serious" intervention.
Please help us, don't leave Italian right people alone.

Best Regards,

Lisa Guerrini
Roman Malych

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